GREENBOX2 even more interesting thanks to INDUSTRY 4.0
GREENBOX2 even more interesting thanks to INDUSTRY 4.0
There were already many reasons that made it interesting GREENBOX2, the digital system designed by Printsolution Srl able to open up a world of new opportunities thanks to Direct Printing on Packaging, especially for the constantly growing market represented by the need to customize boxes, envelops for shipments and pouches Of paper (Shoppers), and bags in Juta in small and medium print runs.
But in addition to the purely technical topics related to the versatility, performance and low management costs of GREENBOX2 (find out more here), thanks to recent approval by the Senate, the 2021 budget law has reformed the tax credit mechanics for some interesting categories, within the Industry 4.0 plan. GREENBOX2 has the necessary characteristics to be included in the list of “Industrial 4.0 Material Instrumental Assets” required by law and therefore benefits from increased concessions.
The 2021 budget law changes three substantial parameters that increase the effectiveness of the Industry 4.0 plan:
- the tax credit rate, which goes from 40% to 50% of the expenditure incurred
- the period for using the credit, which falls from 5 to 3 years
- the period for the purchase of capital goods (16 November 2020 — 21 December 2021)
The new tax credit is also explicitly cumulable with other concessions that relate to the same costs (Example Sabatini contribution), provided, of course, that this cumulation does not lead to the cost incurred being exceeded.
To help understand how all these advantages make the investment in the GREENBOX2 system even more interesting, we have prepared a practical mirror that allows you to immediately view the total savings obtainable and the resulting real net investment.

Who can enjoy the tax benefit of the Industry 4.0 incentive?
All Italian companies (with tax headquarters in Italy) of all types (Srl, SpA, Sas, Snc) and all economic sectors can enjoy it, with the exception of companies that apply the new flat rate regime. The goods purchased must be operational within the national territory.
Contact us immediately at our numbers below to find out more or for a virtual demo in Chat, to see the machine in operation and ask your questions live to our experts.